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[Télécharger] Communist revolutionary warfare: The vietminh in Indochina de George K. Tanham Livres Pdf Epub

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Télécharger "Communist revolutionary warfare: The vietminh in Indochina" de George K. Tanham livre En ligne

Auteur : George K. Tanham
Catégorie : Livres,Par prix,De 45 à 150 euros
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

Télécharger Communist revolutionary warfare: The vietminh in Indochina de George K. Tanham Pdf Epub

Communist Revolutionary Warfare: From the Vietminh to the ~ His first book, Communist Revolutionary Warfare: the Vietminh in Indochina, appeared in 1961 and then was revised to include the early American experience in fighting the Viet Cong. The communist strategy had its roots in China with Mao Tse-tung, but it was adapted to resist French attempts to regain control of Vietnam after World War II. Although Ho Chi Minh was the unchallenged leader of .

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